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‘Floating Heat’ transports unused residual industrial process heat to end consumers over water

‘Floating Heat’ was an 11-month feasibility study performed by ShipIt, Fluviant and Scheldewerf Rupelmonde. The study focused on a multimodal concept and conceptual design of an inland waterway vessel for the transport of residual industrial process heat. The benefit of this approach is the disclosure of large amounts of unused residual industrial process heat, initially in ports, by transporting it to over water to end-users of heat in industrial and residential areas. The consortium investigated the technical and financial challenges of the concept. 


This innovative collaboration between Flux50 and their pioneering members recently caught quiet a lot of press attention:

- Gazet van Antwerpen: Antwerps bedrijf brengt eind 2021 restwarmte haven via boot naar de stad

- ATV: Een stoomboot over de Schelde moet restwarmte naar de stad brengen

- De Standaard: Shipit voert restwarmte via boot naar stad