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International news

Flux50 represented you at the Rushlight Cleantech conference (London, 30 January)

Flux50 CEO Frederik Loeckx represented the Flux50 members in the Rushlight Cleantech Conference on 30 January in London.

The overarching Rushlight Show was supported by Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT) and brought together clean technology companies, customers of clean technologies, investors and financiers, government and other public sector representatives in order to assist in the development and successful deployment of new sustainable energy, resource and environmental solutions, right in the heart of London. Around 40 companies and clusters showcased their cutting edge cleantech technologies. A panel of investors, financiers and corporate partners were able to connect with the presenters.  Check out all presentations here.

The European Project BestRES

Implementing best practices and innovative business models for renewable energy aggregators

The European BestRES project (Horizon 2020) aims to develop innovative business models for the integration of renewable energy sources by aggregating distributed generation such as wind, PV, biogas, biomass, hydro, Combined Heat and Power (CHP), and combining this with demand-side management and energy storage. These business models will be tested in the various partner countries.

The project brings together 11 partners from nine different EU countries.  Flux50 member 3E is one of the Belgian partners in the project. 

On 11 February 2019, the project partners organized a European Policy Workshop, “RES Aggregators as Enablers of Prosumers and Active Market Participation”, in Brussels. Interested in the findings? Check here to find out more. 

Don’t miss Hannover Messe (1-5 April): win free Flux50 tickets! 

Every year marks the next step into the future. For 2019, the guiding theme at Hannover Messe is “Integrated Industry – Industrial Intelligence”, which underlines the growing importance of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the production and energy industries.

Link Hannover Messe 2019

Integrated Energy, one of the six exhibit sectors, is the leading trade show for industry, heating and mobility. It focuses on the key themes that link energy and Industry – from power generation and intelligent energy management to mobility solutions.

 In 2019 the platform has four key-notes: 

  1. Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe, 
  2. Power & Heat, 
  3. Digital Energy and 
  4. Electric Vehicle Infrastructure. 

Flux50 offers your free ticket to join this year's edition! 

Don't miss it! Get your free Flux50-ticket here.

ERRIN partner and matchmaking event for Energy Horizon 2020 Calls – Brussels, 9 April 2019

The aim of the event? To facilitate the creation of consortia for the submission of Horizon2020 Energy projects. A limited number of calls ending in September 2019 have been pre-selected:

  • Decarbonizing the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation – LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020
  • Enabling next-generation smart energy services improving demand-side energy efficiency and flexibility as energy resource – LC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020
  • Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy Union – LC-SC3-EE-16-2018-2019-2020 
  • Next-generation Energy Performance Assessment and Certification – LC-SC3-EE-5-2018-2019-2020 
  • Capacity building programmes to support the implementation of energy audits – LC-SC3-EE-8-2018-2019
  • Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments – LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019
  • Developing solutions based on renewable sources that provide flexibility to the energy system – LC-SC3-RES-16-2019

Interested in leading a consortium?
Submit your project idea by filling in the attached form and sending it to 

Want to join a consortium? 
Let’s wait for all project ideas to be submitted in early March. 

Want to find out more about the Horizon 2020 Energy calls? 
Contact – Phone: 02 432 43 00 

Interested in taking part in this European matchmaking event?  All info on the ERRIN-website or contact for support. 

Be part of the Flemish Cleantech Power @ EU Cleantech Forum - Stockholm, 21-23 May 2019

Join the Flemish booth at an advantageous price!  

The EU Cleantech Forum in Stockholm is the place to meet entrepreneurs, innovative start-ups, investors and cleantech leaders from different sectors and industries worldwide.

5 Flemish cleantech companies can benefit from a reduced price. The special package includes participation in the 3-day forum and a place on the 'Flemish cleantech booth' in the general networking area.

This offer is valid until the end of February. More info on prices and registration on the Cleantech Flanders website.
