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Smart Energy Cities out in the open

“Smart Energy Cities” out in the open.

Starting a dialogue on energy projects between local governments and businesses.

The Smart Energy Cities project enters a new phase. The steps aimed at initiating dialogue between local governments and businesses have been taken. In December and January, successful speed dates were held for the topics “Collective renovation” and “Green heating”. 

A brief history of events
In March Energyville, as part of the consortium next to Agoria, Flux50 and VVSG, took part in the heath test organized by the Flemish Energy Agency, as a first step towards cooperation between this agency and the project. And on 3 May we visited the VVSG Climate Day event in Ostend, where we presented the first findings of the project on a “Green heating” session. Energyville and ABB shared their vision on what this Triple Helix dialogue might look like, in front of a public consisting of mainly local government representatives. They also delivered some insights into what research institutions and industrial partners could offer to local governments.

Where do we go from here?
Another meeting was scheduled on 7 May, with the Renobizz kick-off within the BEreel! Project. Since the subject of “Collective renovation” is situated on common ground between “Smart Energy Cities” and “BEreel!”, it was decided to launch cooperation to join forces on topics such as financing, citizen engagement and the role of local government in energy projects.

At the beginning of 2019, Smart Energy Cities connected with countless other initiatives in the field. In May, the main focus has been on actively working to set up so-called innovation tables.

Be a part of the innovation tables
We analysed your feedback and determined the concrete topics that will be addressed in cocreation with industry and local governments: topics that can only be addressed by innovation and concrete cooperation.

We’re hoping to welcome you soon at one of our innovation tables. Stay tuned through our newsletter and emails!

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Smart Energy Cities is a collaboration between: 


With the support from: