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Feasibility Study Call 3 – submit by 30 June

Flux50 calls upon Flemish companies to join their efforts and submit feasibility study proposals by 30 June. The Cluster offers its competences to support potential partners in the process.

Flux50 facilitates and supports innovation trajectories around major living labs in the smart energy field showing positive impact for the Flemish industry. Which innovation trajectories have the highest impact (employment, investments, turn-over)? And which R&D/innovation activities are the required steps in these promising trajectories? In order to evaluate the economic feasibility, the potential market impact, the ideal partnership and the remaining technological, legislative,… challenges of specific trajectories, Flux50 is launching a third Feasibility Study Call.

How to submit?


Make sure your proposed feasibility study fits one or more of the following three innovator zones.  Relevance to the roadmap of each the innovator zone will be one of the evaluation criteria. 

  • Energy harbors 

Harbor areas play a crucial role in the energy transition. The Flemish Energy Cluster focuses on the following breakthroughs: flexible thermal power stations and heat networks and use of waste products (heat, CO2, ..), demand side management for cooling installations, bi-directional shore power, storage of energy, sustainable harbor infrastructure and the harbor area as a power station.
The innovator zone coordinator: 

  • Energy Cloud Platforms 

A multitude of (intelligent) energy apps and services are being developed and rolled out. These are based on big data provided in a uniform, transparent, qualitative and legally correct format. The Flemish Energy Cluster focuses on open interfaces, cyber security, machine-learning capabilities and the improvement of the scalability and self-configurability of wireless communication networks for energy and on the respective innovative energy services.
The innovator zone coordinator:

  • Intelligent Renovation 

Intelligent and ‘deep’ renovation of buildings (both of the envelope and its installation) makes considerable energy and emission reductions possible. The Flemish Energy Cluster focuses on techniques that are both feasible within the Flemish building context and scalable to an international level, with an emphasis on deep renovation with integrated energy systems.

The innovator zone coordinator:

Find out more about the innovator zones of Flux50.


The call is open to consortia of minimum 3 commercial market players with (future) activities in the Flanders Region. In addition the cluster requires that:

  • All official partners in a feasibility study are paying members of the Flemish Energy Cluster. Membership is possible at different levels of engagement. For more info contact
  • The consortium coordinator has a cluster engagement at “valorization” level and is preferably a central player in the value chain of the proposed solution.
  • The coordinator is not coordinating more than 2 cluster feasibility studies at a time.

For more information check below the "Guidelines CLUS-HS" and the "FAQ call3".


Please submit your proposal in English and according to this template by 30 June 2018 at 12 pm CET. Submissions to VLAIO, acting for the Hermesfund, need to happen via Flux50, the Flemish Energy Cluster, so please address your proposal to


For this call, a pre-registration by email to by 9 June is required.  This pre-registration needs to be done using the template you can find at the bottom of this page.


It is the intention to communicate the evaluation results in the autumn 2018.


The Flemish Energy Cluster offers its competences to support potential partners in facilitating their ideas. For more information and support, contact the innovator zone coordinators.
