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What is Hack Belgium?

Hack Utilities

Companies across the utilities industry face similar challenges: ageing infrastructure, increasingly unpredictable supply and demand, and growing impact of climate change. 

Digital technologies offer a great promise, but a new kind of collaboration is still key to solving these challenges: a closer connection between the industry and cities, regulators, scientists, water and energy users, and technology companies. 

Hack Utilities is an open innovation event for engineers, operations specialists and business developers. It is aimed at creating ingenious and unorthodox solutions for the most pressing issues the utilities industry is facing. The immediate purpose of the event is to help you create new projects that you can start implementing the morning after the event. 

To that end, participants will come up with new project ideas and test them immediately, forge new collaborations and explore new technologies.  

Interested? contact Tel. +32 475 44 99 49

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