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Circular Economy Workshops

Participate in international partnerships for construction, textiles, plastics & packaging

Meet SMEs, knowledge institutions, public actors & experts from Denmark, Sweden, Portugal and Flanders. Develop new joint innovation projects for the circular economy.

Join this workshop to:
- Build international partnerships for circular construction, textiles, plastics & packaging, 
- Co-develop actions and innovations, 
- Teamup with others to participate in funded projects.

These workshops are part of the project 3R Connect


In the first phase of this project, an internal analysis has been done by the three regions to identify the most pressing priorities. The local competencies to address these challenges were also examined.

  1. As an introduction to these workshops, local competencies, knowledge acquired from previous projects, newly developed innovations and technology will be presented.
  2. To continue with a discussion on common circularity challenges and priorities in Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, and Portugal.
  3. During the breakouts, you can interact with innovative SMEs, knowledge institutions, public actors, and other experts from different regions on specific discussion topics. 
  4. To see what kind of actions or joint projects could be co-developed to address the identified circular challenges.


27/11 Plastics & Packaging 

  • Material choices and packaging design
  • Reuse systems for food packaging 
  • Citizen behavior 
  • Extended Producer Responsibility
  • Traceability and digital solutions for sorting 
  • Chemical recycling

More info, click here

28/11 Construction 

  • Material Banks
  • Digital Inventory of the Urban Mine 
    • Material Passports
    • Building Information Modelling, AI
  • Biobased Materials
  • Circular & Modular Design
  • Selective Demolition
  • Onsite sorting of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW)
  • Certification for recovered materials
  • Improve End-Of-Life of all fractions in construction

More info, click here

29/11 Textiles

  • Extended producer responsibility for more efficient end-of-life
  • Improve the collection of textiles 
  • Technologies and systems for sorting textiles  
  • Textile-to-textile recycling  
  • Recycling of textiles for non-textile applications 

More info, click here


A. Presentation by topic experts on knowledge acquired from previous projects, newly developed innovations, and technology
B . Break-outs by priority themes to explore potential follow-up actions or projects
C. Wrap-up and next steps for project development

These workshops are part of the project 3R Connect – Reduce, Reuse, and Rethink.
The project is funded by the European Union and facilitated by Clean, Flux50, and Smart Waste Portugal

The purpose of the project is to: 

  • Map and analyze regional capacities and potentials for a circular economy 
  • Identify key value chains, technologies, and innovation areas 
  • Develop plans for new cross-regional projects focusing on R&D, matchmaking, new value chains, capacity building, knowledge exchange, pilot & demonstration, public procurement etc. 

3R Connect is Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor EISMEA can be held responsible for them.