ICON Research Project


ICON projects stimulate collaboration between research institutes and several companies. The common goal is approached from different angles to create a synergy between the research and the company community and create an eco-system with added value. The research institutes focus on a clear build-up of beyond international state-of-the-art knowledge with a high risk for applications with a broader horizon. Companies participate actively and guide the research in the right direction towards a demand-driven research project. This type of project is exclusively available via the clusters.


The call is open to consortia of: 

  • Minimum 3 subsidisable companies with (future) activities in the Flemish region.
  • Minimum 1 Flemish research institute. Strategic research centres (VITO, IMEC, Flanders Make, VIB…) require at least one extra university. 

In addition the cluster requires that

  • A company is coordinator of the project.
  • All subsidised partners in an ICON project are paying members of the Flemish Energy Cluster. The coordinator is a Flux50 member at valorisation level. For more info contact info@flux50.com
  • Collaboration with one or more research institutes is a requirement for this project type. Research institutes are fully financed by VLAIO. The level of their budget is linked to the company budget.
  • The coordinator cannot coordinate more than 1 ICON project at a time.


  • The base subsidy percentage is 50% for research activities with a top-up of 10% for small and medium companies.
  • The budget for the research institutes is linked to the budget of the companies with a ratio smaller or equal to 40/60. The total subsidy for the companies may not exceed € 3 000 000. The minimal amount of subsidy requested should be larger than € 100 000.

Practical info and documents

  • The outcome of your proposal is expected within 4 months after submission. 
  • A pre-registration of your project is required one month before the call-deadline to project@flux50.com.
  • Website for digital submission
  • Documents: preregistration, submission ICON, cost model, term sheet, collaboration agreement, manual ICON.
Call Pre-registration deadline Registration deadline
